Monday, November 28, 2016

Trademarks in the Trump Era

Donald Trump is promising to make the economy grow by, among other things, loosening regulation and lowering taxes. This may sound like music to the ears of many business people. From the trademark perspective, if Trump succeeds in spurring economic growth, it could lead to a raft of new ventures and therefore a significant increase in the number of new trademarks being brought to market and new trademark applications being filed with the USPTO. 

In today’s crowded marketplace it is already tough to find an available trademark that sends the right message about your product or service. With more businesses starting up in the hoped-for Trumpian boom, it will get that much tougher. Good trademark clearance procedures will continue to be your best defense against adopting and using a trademark that could wind up causing you legal problems.  Nobody in business is going to complain if the economy improves. But clearing trademarks may become even more difficult. The recommendation remains the same, and will be even more important as time goes on: Clear all new trademarks via a comprehensive trademark search with attorney opinion letter as the first step in your new product or service launch. Before you call the printer, before you start working on marketing plans – call your trademark attorney!